In Reply to: Bad Company - Gold CD posted by amdan on April 4, 2006 at 05:16:32:
A couple of relevent quotes from Mr. Hoffman:"Not going to be as aggressive as the current remaster done at Sterling Sound. Heck, all of that massive EQ on there ain't on the master mixes at all..... There is something like a 10 db boost of top end on the remaster and a wicked bass boost as well."
"The Bad Company album was recorded 16 track Dolby A and mixed (mostly at Olympic Sound, Barnes) to NON-DOLBY 15 ips 1/4" inch tape. The engineers at Olympic disliked Dolby A for mixing and instead chose to "slam" their mixes to +10 above 0 VU level, using natural tape saturation as a "limiter" and leaving the actual tape hiss well below. They did the same for WHO'S NEXT and many other albums of that era with pretty good result. However, the actual "sound" of the mixes for Bad Company is quite soft and laid back. This was taken care of in the vinyl days by adding a lot of midrange EQ during record cutting to give the music some slam. Now, the way that the current CD remaster handled that was to digitally compress the songs and add a lot of EQ to gain some punch that was actually not on the mixes but people expected over the years after wearing out their LP's.
My way to handle this was different. I like to do a little polishing but leave the inherent warmth of the original mixes intact, even though you lose some of the (digitally enhanced) punch of the current CD remaster."
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Follow Ups
- Re: Bad Company - Gold CD - splunge 15:00:31 04/08/06 (0)