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Now I know why I like Yech!


You come up with some really crazy sh*t sometimes.
You have the ability to make me laugh at your threads, (when your not being too obnoxious!) and yet occassionally, you actually come out with a pretty deep thought.

"I really don't know any famous musicians well enough to comment on.
And don't really understand how anybody can admire someone they don't know."

Keep up the good work, and as I said before "I hope you don't get banned from this site"! (Which I know some people would love to do to you!)

PS How about you and I go to the movies and see "Brokeback Mountain" together? :-) Oscar night is coming up you know!

PPS Just Kidding, Dude! I have no desire to see it myself.
But feel free to take one of your Cow-boyfriends!
(or even one of your Sheep-boyfriends!) :-)

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  • Now I know why I like Yech! - Raiderman 21:55:45 03/03/06 (0)

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