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"And don't really understand how anybody can admire someone they don't know." - I halfway agree with this statement.

I don't believe that anyone can ever really know someone well enough to be assured that they're worthy of the respect that you give them, but over time, almost instinctively, mutual trust develops. It gets more complicated for popular musicians. Most artists don't want to risk alienating their audience, but the more successful they become the more wary they have to be of folks who may have an angle or agenda.

It sometimes comes down to a balance between pleasing fans and being true to yourself and your music. Keeping that in mind, the one contemporary artist who I've gotten to know in recent years who has earned my enduring respect is Joe Bonamassa; my wife & I consider him our friend, but we're also his devoted fans. He's not ONLY a great guitarist, he's a genuinely nice person who doesn't bring his ego along on his tours; it's all about the music with Joe and his fans have nothing but respect for him.

Another example: Jimmy Seals (of Seals & Croft fame) earned my respect in the early 70's just from sitting down and visiting with myself and several other curious folks in a hotel coffee shop. We were there for an SF & nostalgia convention, totally unrelated to music; in fact, I wasn't even into Seals & Croft, but at this time they were at the peak of their popularity performing before crowds of 50,000 plus. One of the guys who pointed him out said that dude LOOKS like Jimmy Seals. So, being the brash college kid I was, I said "why not ask" and proceeded into the coffee shop.

They were just curious about whether he was who he appeared to be, but after he invited me to sit down I waved-in the other guys to join us. Jimmy paid for our coffee and discussed his tour, personal beliefs, etc., and answered every question put to him, and then asked us about the nostalgia convention we were attending. This went on for over an hour or so it seemed, until his tour manager intervened and yanked him away to a soundcheck in preparation for a major outdoor free event they were performing later that evening. He was a genuinely nice guy, without any pretensions; he earned my respect.

>>> "This bum lives in a box behind Penneys in town. He's got an old Harmony guitar and when he isn't drunk,which is 99% of the time,he annoys people out front of Penneys until the police come and he moves his worthless ass along.I kinda respect him.Even if he does smell like shit." <<<

Who knows, maybe sitting behind the Penny's dumpster swiggin' cheap vino out of paper bag with the bum will increase your appreciation of his finer points, once you get past his Channel #2 aftershave. ;^)

Just yankin' your chain, YECH! :o)


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