Hip Pop Stop

Yes, horns. I think.

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Yes, hopefully. A ‘small’ well-evolved design to start; probably something (exactly?) like top-spec 4 Pi speakers, possibly with their wood horn. We will see. My main concern with going the horn route is that historically I have not loved speakers with a crossover point in the middle of the critical range. I am not sure if this is because of the crossover point, crossover design, or tweeter type… probably all three, with the later being the most significant. For me, well-designed horns seem to offer a nice set of compromises. There are other options I may yet consider…

Thanx for the property tip; we had thought of Albion, though did not know there was a “Windsor Park” – I will definitely look into that. I guess it would be close-ish to Northey Street Farm, my Sunday morning hippie hang-out – a great way to shop.

Hey, Ginger is looking pretty happy in that shot. Very cute.

I am still waiting for my latest music order to arrive. Hopefully soon…


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