Home Hip Pop Stop

Today's hip tunes. New music that isn't Classic Rock or Jazz!


Problem number one is everyone can't even seem to judge what this forum is about due to it's very oblique title "hip pop stop". I assume it to mean new releases that are perhaps unknown, but far too many seem to be connotating it with rap and hip hop. It's hip POP, not hip HOP people. My assumption is those people are mistaken, but who knows...... in any case the title ought to be rectified and this boards purpose made clear.

Secondly, even if my assumption about what this forum is for is correct, NOBODY wants to hear about new music. New music to people means OTHER PEOPLES MUSIC, and without question the VAST majority of people don't want to hear 'other' peoples music. They KNOW they know what they like, and they don't need other people to tell them about their music.

Think I'm crazy? Go to the mall with your favorite disc (esp. a title unknown to the public) and TRY to give it to someone. They'll look at you like you're mad and NOBODY will take it off you. Those that would take it only do it out of fear or to get rid of you, and would dump it in the next recepticle once you are out of eyesight.

You not only can't make the horse drink, you can't even lead him to the well.

I've been posting on here a few years, and while I don't advertise my website I make it no secret. In all that time only ONE person contacted me thru interest after seeing it and asked for some title rec's to buy. I gave them to him, he actually bought them, and then got back to me telling me he liked them all very much.

Yet my traffic counter tells me I get about 20-30 hits a week coming from audiogon. But nobody asks questions, nobody writes to say they bought a reviewed item and liked it. One guy out of thousands, that's it.

Finally, while some may take offense it is my impression that many of the people here (and those listening to avant garde music in general) only do so to be different. I had a friend growing up who made a habit out of taking a piece of bread, going to his refridgerator, and loading it with whatever was handy in there: a pickle, mayonaise, pepperroni, some red beets, meatloaf, and then he'd fold it in half and eat it. 1% because he was hungry, 99% because he lived off the shock value it caused in others. IMHO too many people into "outside" music do so for shock value or to feel special or different.

The simple fact is, people don't care, and you can't make them care. Yet everyone will whine about the charts, everyone will whine there aren't good music programs and concerts on TV like there used to be, but if you present it to them they look at you like you're holding poison. The same is true about the gear we use. You can't make the general population care about that either.

It sounds like I'm saying this board isn't worth the space it takes up. I wasn't, but the statement is probably a correct one.

It's all about the music...

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