Home Hip Pop Stop

Today's hip tunes. New music that isn't Classic Rock or Jazz!

Some recent acquisitions...

Moonshine's - @Home @Sunrise: A mixed bag here. Some good tracks ala the Cafe Del Mar kind of sound, but a bit to incosistent for my taste. Goldfrapp's Paper Bag and DJ Food's Crow simply do not fit on this "Cafe Del Mar"ish compilation. I also have to add that the remix by Jam & Spoon of Moby's Go is simply atrocious.

VAS - In the Garden of Souls: Excellent album! I had heard this group was sort of a Dead Can Dance clone. There certainly are similarities, but they focus exclusively on a (pardon the generalization) more "Middle Eastern" type sound. If you like DCD I would not hesitate to pick them up.

Labradford - Fixed Content: I've developed a taste for this droning style music after hearing Windy and Carl. I can't get enough of it. My only previous exposure to them was their appearance on an Excursions in Ambience compilation. Drony, slow guitar type stuff with lots of reverb and echo.

DJ Cheb I Shabba - Shri Durga: I scored this one on Ebay along with two other Six Degrees CD's as part of a promo pack. Excellent album. Most anything from the label is quite good. Try the "Traveller" series they put out. They can usually be had quite cheap.

Edits: 90/41/00 90/50/00

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Topic - Some recent acquisitions... - Tony 12:38:06 09/20/04 (0)

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