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Polk LSi at frys too... but everyone still drools over the Bose...

I have seen electrostats at BB and some good Polks at Frys, but neither store carries 2 channel amp/integrated/receivers beyond Denon and onkyo. (I have never seen the new denon and onkyo integrateds there though)

However... just a couple years ago the best these stores had was Bose's latest disaster.

I think the situation is improving quite a bit on the mass consumer front. Hell... The 2 channel integrated amp has gone mainstream with onkyo, denon, and yamaha all having several, and there are more 2 channel receivers available now than a few years ago, and I have seen several turntables for sale at all the stores where a few years ago most consumers just assumed vinyl was dead.

I think the average consumer today has a much better variety of audio options that don't totally suck balls.

I also get strange comments when people find out how much I have put into 2 channel... "You mean it doesn't even have surroundsound?!?!"

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  • Polk LSi at frys too... but everyone still drools over the Bose... - Yashu 12:41:14 04/15/07 (0)


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