This post is inspired by some of the discussion below.Methinks this any spin off for audio is vapourware. My reasons:
1. Most people besotted with HDMI & High definition video are careless re audio - look at the nasty $1000 audio crap they often use associated with their latest plasma etc
2. DVD-A is virtually dead. SACD might survive as it is being backed by a few record companies despite being abandoned by Sony but not many people out there know it even exists.
3. If the paranoia (some of it justified, some not) associated with copy protection is embedded in the audio then flexibility with use of components will be very limited.
4. As commented below, the HDMI protocols are continually changing and, at the moment, there are reports that this link introduces jitter.
Not trying to be a Luddite on this (or on high definition video which I have so far avoided as a direct source - prefer SD scaled up with a DVDO HD+) but the thought of yet another audio format does not thrill me. As far as I'm concerned, CD will be around for awhile yet and most manufacturers have still not yet extracted the best music results from this, often spurned, format.
The track record for engineering expertise with CDs is not without blemish so there is room for improvement there. The reason for so many below par releases is that most people do not care and would not hear any difference anyway - so where would the market be for yet more hi-rez audio confusion?.
For me, SACD is a very acceptable alternative to CD.
Do not criticise the idiots in this world - we need them as they make the rest of us look so much better :-)
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Topic - Anyone waiting for the "new" hi-rez audio formats coming with HDMI? I'm not. - John C. - Aussie 18:10:18 04/09/07 (8)
- Re: Anyone waiting for the "new" hi-rez audio formats coming with HDMI? I'm not. - welly 07:03:14 04/10/07 (1)
- I liked that... - Yashu 22:00:55 04/13/07 (0)
- Re: Anyone waiting for the "new" hi-rez audio formats coming with HDMI? I'm not. - Jazz Inmate 00:34:21 04/10/07 (4)
- "You make it sound like the average Joe has a plasma a cheap receiver." - Christine Tham 01:23:06 04/10/07 (3)
- Re: "You make it sound like the average Joe has a plasma a cheap receiver." - zacster 12:56:01 04/10/07 (2)
- Re: "You make it sound like the average Joe has a plasma a cheap receiver." - TomLarson 18:17:37 04/10/07 (1)
- Polk LSi at frys too... but everyone still drools over the Bose... - Yashu 12:41:14 04/15/07 (0)
- I'm not sure there will be any "new" audio formats - Christine Tham 22:28:41 04/09/07 (0)