I am about to purchase a Denon DVD-2200 for $40 from a local thrift store. The only thing that is wrong is that it is missing the remote. I want to use it for CD playback (and DVD-A and SACD) on my 2 channel system. I am currently using an older Denon DCM-340 for playback (which has a nice warm sound). I will do a side by side comparison, but was wondering if the dedicated player will sound better, or if the DVD-2200 will outperform it.Thanks for your imput.
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Topic - Am I crazy? Denon DVD-2200 - makscopes 18:42:55 04/12/07 (4)
- Don't be surprised if the DVD2200 sounds more impressive. - ppopp 06:48:20 04/14/07 (0)
- Re: Am I crazy? Denon DVD-2200 - bboroski 06:07:54 04/13/07 (2)
- Re: Am I crazy? Denon DVD-2200 - makscopes 17:36:47 04/13/07 (1)
- Re: Am I crazy? Denon DVD-2200 - bboroski 19:28:52 04/13/07 (0)