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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

A few updates

I am now using a USB direct to optical adapter to eliminate the noise and problems associated with using the output of a soundcard (even digital)

I am using one originally designed for quality digital recording from a PC so it really does sound great with a low noise floor. The sound is even better than it was from my sound card.

It is still optical and it still sounds "un-digital", but just with even better dynamic range. I think if you are going to use a PC, the best thing to do is to find a way to bypass the internal soundcard's mixer.

I think I would recommend the USB MHDT dac even though I have not heard it, the advanatage is that it's USB bypasses the internal soundcard so that it probably would sound better with the "inferior" USB link than with a soundcard and good toslink/RCA link.

I used to think that digital was digital, but when I began to use the digital out on my soundcard, I noticed right away that it was not using a direct to digital signal... that it was still being routed through the mixer and mixed in with the rest of the windows sounds. Also, to get a good line level, you had to turn the windows mixer volume controls up high, which degrades the sound further (raising the noise floor).

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  • A few updates - Yashu 11:56:37 03/25/07 (0)

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