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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

The Olive takes a full footprint, but...

...what's keeping you from putting something on top of it? I could understand if it were a tube amp or something, but it's just a rectangular box. If you get tube stuff you might worry a little about the vibration, but solid-state doesn't suffer much if at all from vibration problems. I'm still curious in the rationale behind putting isolation feet under a solid-state amplifier... there are literally no moving parts in the thing, right? The signal zips around the internal wires and through capacitors and resistors but pretty much just stays in the wire from input to output. Not to threadjack, but how can vibration possibly harm it? I can definitely understand for tube gear and CD players, and it's damned near indispensible for turntables. But transistor amps?

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