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Re: "most SACD titles are poorly recorded" ? Hardly


Sure I have heard great CDs. I'm not trying to debate formats here. I was (as the subject still indicates) disagreeing with the obvious misstatement that "most SACD titles are poorly recorded".

To my ear and on the better systems I've listened to when there is an SACD and CD from the same masters I like the SACD better. But there are many wonderful recordings available on all formats. I haven't sold my CD collection :)

My original point is that most SACDs are well recorded, not poorly recorded. I can say this with relative confidence since I own most of the titles available on SACD and have listened to many of them on at least a dozen different systems. My collection of CDs is much more mixed in the quality of original recordings, but I've never claimed that my CD collection is representative: tho I have thousands of CDs there are many more CDs that I don't have and I have no illusions that my selection represents anyone but myself.


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  • Re: "most SACD titles are poorly recorded" ? Hardly - Ted Smith 12:23:43 12/28/06 (0)

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