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Canare 4S11
New 8ft pair of Canare 4S11 speaker cables , configured as 11gauge single wire with high quality gold plated bananas soldered with WBT silver solder. A much bet...

Tannoy Arena Center Channel Arena
Mint condition Tannoy Arena center channel speaker. Beautiful bronze color complete with stand. Box and manual included. Asking $220.00 shipped, PayPal f&f,...

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New Posts:
DC power supply question by MylesJ (Tweakers' Asylum)Today at 18:33:04
I hope all the antisemites (including Biden/Harris) get a chance to warn Israel by Jazz Inmate (Inmate Central)Today at 18:29:53
Taking out the trash NT by Jazz Inmate (Inmate Central)Today at 18:28:04
"retro-Zen" Decware inspired EL84 triode strapped amp by mwhouston (Tube DIY Asylum)Today at 18:26:24
RE: "Canning?" Who's going to carry out the sentence, Del Monte? by tomservo (Inmate Central)Today at 18:25:46
Actually it's a tiny micro by E-Stat (General Asylum)Today at 18:13:28
Biden has been using tariffs by Goober58 (Inmate Central)Today at 18:11:16
The world is fed up with warnings. by peppy m. (Inmate Central)Today at 17:52:35
I noticed you didn'.t answer the question. Nt by Geoffkait (Tweakers' Asylum)Today at 17:43:40
I had the EMC-1 some 23+ years ago...- by Chris Garrett (Digital Drive)Today at 17:40:36
RE: Travels Live in '82 by GEO (Jazz Alley)Today at 17:38:14
RE: Singapore: draconian but effective by tomservo (Inmate Central)Today at 17:20:07
Raccoons carry rabies, don't they ? by peppy m. (Inmate Central)Today at 17:17:50
Less "cruel but more expensive = mass incarcerations, longer sentences, and a TV in every cell. by peppy m. (Inmate Central)Today at 17:08:57
Denon Dl 103 I'm a believer by dgaapc7 (Vinyl Asylum)Today at 17:03:44
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