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But what about the encouragement of "free will" ?

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Acting in accordance with rules of civility because you're scared of being uncivil is a "different beast" than acting in accordance with rules of civility because you love being civil.

In support of civility and justice, the east seems to encourage the pursuit of the former ideal while the west seems to encourage the pursuit of the latter ideal.

The eastern morality is administered by a stern schoolmasters. The western morality is administered by laughing hucksters.

But here is the real, societal problem:

Unhappiness is a palpable thing. So is happiness.

So don't pretend that you can feign impalpability and get away with it - at least not for very long. The honorable J.D. Vance makes the observation that miserable, childless cat women "PROJECT" their miserable feelings onto their surroundings... without them even realizing that such is undoubtedly true.

So we've got to get these matters of civility and justice under control or else the fabric of our society begins to quickly unravel.

Either we project fearful servitude in civility, or we project drunken hedonism in civility.

Your choice.

Edits: 10/17/24   10/17/24   10/17/24   10/17/24

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