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"Shouldn't the goal be linearity? As in no characteristic sound at all?...

...It seems to me that any sonic character is a departure from the recorded sound, and therefore distortion."

Maybe so, but recordings themselves are distortions. Even the best recordings remove lots of good stuff--mostly the space around the performers--and add distortion and grunge. I often discuss my love of dipole radiators--that they add a sense of space to recordings. Is this REcreation of SOME of the space left out of the recording a distortion product of the speakers? Certainly. Does the music sound better? ABSOLUTELY it does.

So if a particular tube 'restores' a tad of warmth that the recording lost, is that a distortion? Not for me.

Lipman, there are thousands of variations among tubes. The 'specs' are only a rough set of electrical parameters that all of them are supposed to fit within. Your ears are the final arbiters of all the rest of those variations.

The recreation of musical events in your listening room is as much an art as a science; celebrate the differences!

Tin-eared audiofool and obsessed landscape fotografer.

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