I,ve dusted off an old Heathkit AA-121 amp that I can remember was problematic before it was shelved.
I would like to change all the components at the ouput end because the bias and balance pots were breaking down and heating things up and doing some damage.
I have been doing a web search for 6 and 12 ohm 1% 1/2 watt resistors and they are very difficult to find.
I have found a supplier for the 12 ohm and wondered if I could use 2 12 ohm resistors in parallel for the 6?
Can I replace the 200 PF mica capacitors with 220 PF?
Also the circiut call for matching pairs of 22K resistors, can these be matches with a meter?
Thanks, Combover
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Topic - Replacement components - combover 11:45:17 10/15/06 (1)
- Re: Replacement components - Eli Duttman 12:18:52 10/15/06 (0)