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Re: digital sources with their typical 2VRMS full scale outputs

There are many that would disagree, because they prefer their power amps to be right beside their speakers.

Not exactly sure what you're meaning here. If you mean that these people would disagree with regard to moving more gain toward the source, I'm not sure I see why they would disagree as they'd be among those who would most benefit from it. If you're meaning they'd disagree with something else, could you elaborate please?

I will say this though, I would almost agree with the original post, IF there truly was a standard for the parameters (voltage, expected load impedance etc) of the signal coming from all sources. We then could design power amps with the correct sensitivity.

Standard? How quaint a notion. :)

I know what you mean, but I sure ain't holdin' my breath on that one. About the best one could probably hope for would be a single manufacturer that made everything from soup to nuts, or from sources to speakers as the case may be, and established their own standards for the various components.

There would still be a use for separate preamps though, and that is when the signal is less than perfect in some way, and we might need filters and equalisers etc, to try to correct, and these, if passive, would cause unacceptable loss, hence we would need active circuits to bring it back to 'standard'.

Yup. Still a bit messy whichever way you look at it though. :)


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  • Re: digital sources with their typical 2VRMS full scale outputs - Steve Eddy 16:41:10 09/29/06 (0)

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