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Problem with AVO Mk2 tube tester


I have three AVO Mk2 Tube Testers, and they all show the same problem. Who has experience with the Mk2?

The problem is, when I calibrate it by the book, it indicates 40% too much plate current for small tubes like ECC81 , and 40% below for the big tubes like 2A3.

So a known to be good 10.5mA ECC81 tests at 14mA, and a new 2A3 that I know has 60mA tests at only 33mA.

All three of them show exactly the same behaviour. Since those testers work by a very strange principle, it is hard to say what I measure inside the tester is right or wrong.

What makes me crazy, I have three of those that I purchased from three sources and they all show this behaviour.

Who has experienced the same problem?

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Topic - Problem with AVO Mk2 tube tester - EML 08:14:43 09/20/06 (6)

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