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Stabilize a DC coupled CF with DC feedback: needing advice!


I'm even newer to DC coupling than i am to CFs :O)

Does this circuit has any chance to work? The bias for the 2A3 is provided by a regulated -125V supply through Rload from the CF. Rfb provides DC feedback :
If the bias shifts toward zero, there is more current flowing through the 2A3, its plate voltage drops, meaning less current thru Rfb and Rload, reducing the drop in Rload which lowers the bias point so the op-point for the 2A3 is maintained at -50V.

The feedback ratio is Rfb/Rload. Does this sort of DC feedback reduces gain of the output stage like AC feedback does? If not, i plan on using a lot for maximum stability, but if it does i'll go with -10dB to -20dB.

Thanks for any help!
Joris in Quebec, where summer is now a souvenir

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Topic - Stabilize a DC coupled CF with DC feedback: needing advice! - SomeJoe 09:26:24 08/15/06 (6)

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