Tape Trail

RE: Any female tape hobbyist out there??????

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I couldn't help but smirk at the irony of your questioning, specifically a male asking a "penetrating" question about the presence of females.

Seriously though I doubt you'll find many. Although I hate to engage in gender sterotyping, the reality is that electronics (and to a lesser degree, anything mechanical) is by and large a male hobby. After all, us guys can be amused by anything that blinks, beeps, flashes, or goes round-and-round until we're well into our 80's. In this case, turntables and reel to reel decks are the epitome of just such gadgets. Unlike guys who collect toys until their deaths (only they get more expensive, elaborate, and impractical as we age), most women outgrow their fascination with toys by about their 12th birthday.

But on the flip side, how many of us guys care about fashion, cooking, or interior decorating beyond any level that is simply essential for survival?

So it goes both ways. I guess that's just the natural order of things.

Of course there are exceptions to the rules (for instance I've told my wife that if I ever need to update my wardrobe with the best in current fashion and she's not available, I'm gonna get a gay guy to help me out). It's not that one is better than the other. It's simply "how it is".

I love my stereo system. My wife is pretty much indifferent to it. She, OTOH LOVES anything on the "E!" network. I can't stomach any of it.

So if there are any women out there who have smashed through that proverbial barrier, great. Introduce yourself. We'd like to know what made you take up the hobby.

But don't be surprised if you get no responses. After all, even if there are a few of them here and they reveal themselves, they are likely to be bombarded with e-mails from lonely guys suddenly turned on to this "common" interest. As skewed as this hobby is genderwise, most likely, they will keep quiet.

Just my $.02.

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