In Reply to: RE: Who was First Denon MG-X or Sony Metal master? posted by J.L on October 7, 2007 at 10:19:45:
FL─FL ──Range2 ───DR─DR ───JP ──┬────UP
FM┼FX ──Range4 ───ER┬ER ───PS-I ─┬PS-Is ─PS-Is
│ │ └PS-Ix ─AU-I
│ ├GT-I───GT-I ──GT-Ix ─AU-Ix
└FXDuO─Range6 └FR-I───HD-Master
FC─FC ─┬Range4x───UR┴FR-II ──SD-Master
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Follow Ups
- RE: Who was First Denon MG-X or Sony Metal master? - coollpe 05:41:25 10/08/07 (0)