Some good decks have markers to where to set the record level to for maximum output. On my decks type 1 was the least and metal was the most. I think metal went to 8 db, while normal was 2 db. Anyway I read a review on an Aiwa deck and the tester noticed that the deck was over rated with chrome and metal tapes in terms of the maximum setting, while under rated for normal tapes. Basically he was able to record on a premium normal tape to 9db, while chrome could only go to 6db and metal 8 db. I have read elsewhere someone saying good normal tapes can take louder levels then the upper two tapes, but this was the first time I've read it in a review. I can't say where regular normal tapes stand. Has anyone else noticed this? Im aware the high end would drop off if recorded at a high level, so maybe thats part of the deck's manufacturers settings?
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Topic - Record levels on type 1, 2, and 4 tapes - Braxus 21:39:03 07/01/07 (6)
- you guys need a major crash course in analog recording... :) - danny kaey 21:41:55 07/02/07 (1)
- "major crash course" Hmm... oxymoron? :) nt - Inmate51 21:31:42 07/06/07 (0)
- RE: Record levels on type 1, 2, and 4 tapes - Claude Abraham 14:36:50 07/02/07 (1)
- RE: Record levels on type 1, 2, and 4 tapes - Braxus 19:31:34 07/02/07 (0)
- RE: Record levels on type 1, 2, and 4 tapes - 08:06:18 07/02/07 (0)
- RE: Record levels on type 1, 2, and 4 tapes - Steerpike_jhb 04:23:23 07/02/07 (0)