Eh you fellow crazies, I was hoping someone on the tape trail would have a hot lead on Nakamichi parts. My LX-5 has been relagated to the "fix-it" pile. I'm now using an old Luxman RX-102 as my main record deck. It really IS an awesome deck and fun to use, the recordings are layered and rich, plenty of detail and certainly on par with some of the top decks I've ever used. Still, I miss the Nak in my system.
I knew the monitor switch was going out. At times, while recording, one side of the LED would drop off a bit, and homey don't play that. My tapes are VERY carefully put together and reviewed before I send mixes out. So, the LX-5 became impossible to record with. If anyone has an old LX-5 that they'd like to part out or sell as parts, please list the info here.
IF you know where I can track down a new monitor switch, please list any links that I can use.
Much appreciated!
Analog loyalist
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Topic - Nakamichi parts... links or parts deck? - stickwork 16:47:54 06/06/07 (7)
- Try these guys................ - Michael J. 10:10:32 06/07/07 (6)
- RE: Try these guys................ - stickwork 22:10:49 06/08/07 (5)
- Glad to be of sevice, hope you find the parts you need but..... - Michael J. 15:24:35 06/11/07 (4)
- RE: Glad to be of sevice, hope you find the parts you need but..... - stickwork 08:06:47 06/12/07 (3)
- RE: Glad to be of sevice, hope you find the parts you need but..... - Michael J. 10:06:59 06/12/07 (2)
- RE: Glad to be of sevice, hope you find the parts you need but..... - stickwork 10:28:31 06/12/07 (1)
- RE: Glad to be of sevice, hope you find the parts you need but..... - Michael J. 10:38:31 06/12/07 (0)