In Reply to: Nak CR-7A vs Newer Dolby S decks posted by on March 23, 2007 at 08:45:55:
bias, record, amps, Eq, the record heads, and then again on replay.Few other decks have such fine record gaps or as effective bias.
Yes, on occasion, Aiwa/Sony, and Pioneer got close, and B&O and Revox.
And, as others note, 'serviceability' for the twin capstan 3-head Naks is often better.
I have been using a PRO/Slave updated B300 Plus a generator AND lab. reference alignment /replay cassettes for a longish time.
my car head unit is a NAK as well!
WarmestTimbo in Oz
The Skyptical Mensurer and Audio ScroungerAnd gladly would he learn and gladly teach - Chaucer. ;-)!
'Still not saluting.'
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Follow Ups
- Re: Nak overload performance in all processes usually exceeds that of all other decks - Timbo in Oz 21:23:40 04/20/07 (0)