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I'm newly registered, tried to access comfirmation links several times from my e-mail, always displyed: "* Error! Pending record does not exist!"And comfirmation box already has code typed in
Logged out from either Asylum or my e-mail and restarted a few times, cleared cookies, restarted browser, re-opened comfirmation link, and the issue is not fixed.
Cleared comfirmation code box and re-enter the code, result stay the same. Keep coming back with "* Error! Pending record does not exist!"
Click "Click here if you need us to resend your confirmation instructions" and nothing is re-sent to my e-mail.
Every forum just displays "Welcome! You must be a registered Inmate to post in this Asylum" as if my account doesn't exist. Tried posting stuff only comes back with more similar errors.
Click "Click Here to start a new registration form" only to tell me I'm already registered.
No posted successful for now.
Edits: 01/23/24Follow Ups: