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As I told him I will not post on any of his boards until he starts enforcing posting rules. I am sorry I am not as thick-skinned as the few people that still post on his boards. I gave Chris Garrett plenty of chances to do the right thing. My illegal vacation ended September 2009, and he is now WRONGFULLY saying I am banned from his boards. YET I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG AT ANY TIME IN MY 9 YEAR HISTORY OF POSTING ON THE AUDIO ASYLUM! Here are the 1061 archived posts that come up in Search
I am a administrator and moderator of two forums:
The first one has 40 members and growing and my most popular thread has 1801 hits so far
I know I could moderate the Hi-Rez Highway and DVD-Audiobaun well. In the 10 months of my forums no one has attacked or disrespected anyone's opinion and I have only had to delete two posts and I sent emails apologizing and explaining why they were not appropriate and how to avoid the problem in the future. I care about all of my members and I would have the same loving caring affection on the Hi-Rez Highway as well.
Here are my posts today to help Chris Garrett understand how he is misusing the power he has been given. He has deleted all of them, not to worry they are safe on my hard-drive, I learned to do this as he is very underhanded in deleting only those posts that show me in a positive light and leaving the vulgar attack posts of my attackers up.
Hi-Rez Highway
Please...we don't mention her name around here anymore...
Posted by Chris Garrett (B) on May 14, 2010 at 14:12:40
but yes...she did consume a lot of bandwidth.
Posted by Teresa (R) on May 14, 2010 at 17:19:22
Also when are you going to apologize for your bad behavior toward me? I have been waiting a very long time for justice.
Also please start enforcing the posting rules, when you clean this place up I will be glad to come back but not until them. All I ever wanted was people to treat each other nice, not attack other peoples opinions and to post in the correct asylums. That was never very much to ask for, and it does not give an excuse to the people you LET abuse me.
The cow was gross but you bouncy booby avatar is even worse and more offensive. If you want to be an moderator, please try to understand how your actions effect other people.
BTW I wasted no bandwidth, it was the insensitive posters you let attack me that wasted the bandwidth. Especially those who cannot tolerate anyone on Planet Earth hating the CD format. Why do they care what others like and don't dislike and why do they express these low resolution feelings on a high resolution posting board.
Check out what they did recently to poor Allen Wright when he dared to admit "For me, CD is for background music at dinner..."
I am sure Allen will keep his feelings about low resolution CD to himself so he doesn't have to interact with attacks. These Pro-CD trolls who you tolerate not only squelch free speech but have chased-away ALL of the SACD lovers who are brave enough to tell the truth about low resolution CD. Only Hiro remains and he is very careful to not upset the CD lovers. Because you have let the low resolution posters overtake the Hi-Rez Highway this has become a much less interesting place.
"Happy Listening,
Not correct
• Posted by Robert C. Lang (A) on May 14, 2010 at 19:04:01 In Reply to: RE: Please...we don't mention her name around here anymore... posted by Chris Garrett on May 14, 2010 at 14:12:40
For sure she (in keeping with your request not to mention her name) is a prolific poster, but she was not the reason for excessive bandwidth. It was Inmates that seemed to have an irrestible attraction to hurl unending venomous and hurtful attacks her way that consummed excessive bandwidth. If Inmates would have *chosen* to simply refrain (unless they had something constructive to offer) many of her threads would have had a "normal" lifespan. It was the responses not "her" that consummed excessive bandwidth.
Robert C. Lang
I and others don't see it that way, but...
Posted by Chris Garrett (B) on May 14, 2010 at 19:59:47
I and others don't see it that way, but...
we'll have to just agree to disagree on this one.
Then you are NOT seeing things correctly, and thanks for deleting my posts ONCE AGAIN!
Posted by Teresa (R) on May 14, 2010 at 20:32:17
The unlawful Vacation you incorrectly gave me which was a violation of the Audio Asylum posting rules, ended in September 2009.
So why are you DELETING MY POSTS?
It is time for you to apologize and admit when you are wrong, and admit to the gross damage you have done. I am still waiting for you to man-up and do the right thing.
Here are the posting rules, pay particular attention to Nos. 1, 2 B, C, F. I am the administrator and moderator of two forums, and follow posting rules to a tee.
If you cannot tell the victims from the attackers you should not be moderating anything. Name me one person who does not like CD and is not afraid to say so (with the exception of Hiro) that is still here. You let the CD lovers chase them all away. SACD is high resolution NOT low resolution, and the twain shall never meet Once you understand that and the motives of those who cannot tolerate anyone who hates CDs you will be ready to moderate a high resolution forum.
My vacation ended September 2009, Chris MAN-UP AND DO THE RIGHT THING
Posted by Teresa (R) on May 14, 2010 at 20:57:44
and quit deleting my posts for no reason whatsoever. You didn't even have the courtesy to email me. The two posts I deleted on my forum I emailed the posters the reasons why and how to prevent it in the future. Try hard to be a better person, I can help you if you only ask. I love everyone but will not tolerate unkindness nor attacks nor blatant rudeness such as you are doing by deleting my posts for NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!!!!
And get rid of that offensive avatar please. Please read the Audio Asylum posting rules in the post you deleted and pay particular attention to Nos. 1, 2 B, C, F. I am the administrator and moderator of two forums, and follow posting rules to a tee, it is not too much to expect a moderator to follow the rules as well. Please DO YOUR JOB!
Chris Garrett what behavior? I only offered to help and to correct any misconceptions.
Posted by Teresa (R) on May 14, 2010 at 22:33:02
You archived the thread in which you answered my post so I am sorry I have to start a new one.
What more can I do especially since I never did anything wrong, ever. And you know I have never done anything wrong.
So please explain what behavior and remember you will not get away with any mis-truths as I have everything documented on my hard-drive and you are very close to being guilty of character assassination.
Show me where I am banned and what I did to get banned? Do not forget I have all the proof of my innocence on my hard-drive. You have to follow the rules as well and deleting my posts for NO REASON AT ALL, grossly violates the Audio Asylum rules. You gave me an illegal vacation until September 2009, for which you owe me an apology big time.
Plus you never deleted that GROSS inflammatory post made by Rick http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/hirez/messages/25/259137.html Which clearly violates these Posting rules: 2. B. No defamatory statements C. No flames, personal attacks or contentious off-topic comments
It is your job to enforce posting rules. As I said I moderate two forums and I would never let one of my members attack another one of my members, and neither should you, I can train you to be a good moderator, I will do it for free if you are willing to learn. But first when anyone (not just me) asks you to delete and inflammatory attack post, IT IS YOUR DUTY TO DELETE IT. I was patient and asked 9 times and you still refused to do your job!
So please go ahead and try to defend your wrongful, hurtful and damaging actions. It is time for you to do the right thing, you will feel much better about yourself if you do. Remember I offered to help you be a better more caring and loving person. I am also offering to help you be a better and "fair" moderator. The choice is yours: Do you want to be a better person? Remove any illegal ban, and start deleting inflammatory posts and clean up the Asylum. I am willing to help you all you want, you just have to ask.
In short I am forgiving you for you past transgressions if you just repent and start doing the right thing. Remember you cannot ban innocent people to keep from doing your job!
BTW I am unwilling to come back until you start enforcing the Audio Asylum posting rules and start deleting inflammatory attack posts. Start moving pro-CD posts to Digital Drive, and don't let CD trolls attack people such as they recently did to Allen Wright when he dared to admit "For me, CD is for background music at dinner... " http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/hirez/messages/26/264050.html
When you have the Audio Asylum all cleaned up, I'll come back but not until them. In the meantime I am willing to help you clean it up. But before I can engage in any discussions I need to know the Hi-Rez Highway is safe from attackers who are intolerant of any opinions different than their own!
Chris Garrett you have stepped OVER THE LINE, I have NEVER done anything wrong.
Posted by Teresa (R) on May 14, 2010 at 23:07:31
Your so-called ban is illegal and I am turning you in. I have never broke any posting rules, I have only asked that you do you job, yet you turned around and kissed up to the CD-trolls. I offered to help you see what you are too blind to see AND at no charge. I offered to help you make the Hi-Rez Highway a safe place to post for anyone who loves SACD and just happens to dislike CD.
But you have turned your back on my help and I am not happy you have decided to become one with the people who would see SACD die.
This here I am turning him in for his wrongful actions.
Also wery important Chris Garrett must apologize to me, admit he was wrong and be willing to improve. I am willing to help free of charge, I know he can be a better person.
"Happy Listening,
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