Home Asylum Feedback/Support

Audio Asylum feedback, support and feature wish list.

Direct Contact

To the Board (not 'Bored'):

I do not know how to contact you directly. It's not clear. I have
written you about this, and you only give me this public forum,
once again.

So, you don't want private communication and insist on having my
suggestions publicly known.

1. "Outside Forum" should be easier to access.

2. This particular board should be easier to access.

3. Your idea of what topic is inappropriate for a particular
board seems arbitrary; the posting about someone's pet
having died remained in the 'general' section; my response
to it got moved to the 'outside' forum.

4. It seems not easy to start your own topic; sometimes, at
the bottom of a board, there is no place to start your
own topic. It varies.

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Topic - Direct Contact - Audio Audacity 04:56:31 02/01/03 (1)

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