Every time I try to click on a photo in raw drivers in Audio Asylum Trader I get an system error message. When I attempted to post what the system error was so you could read it. I'd got another different error message in General.
This error message said I cannot post here because of many things such as missing quote and a pair tag is not opened etc., etc. etc.
I can click on photos everywhere else and everything works as it should. The problem only occurs in the RAW DRIVERS category. Thanks for everything you do for us. I'm only calling this to your attention. It's not a complaint. Thanks again...
Thetubeguy1954 (Tom)
Central Florida Audio Society -- SETriodes Group -- Space Coast Audio Society
Full-range/Wide-range Drivers --- Front & Back-Loaded Horns --- High Sensitivity Speakers
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Topic - Attn: The Bored. I Receive A System Error Message In Audio Asylum Trader - thetubeguy1954 13:57:58 10/22/13 (2)
- RE: Attn: The Bored. I Receive A System Error Message In Audio Asylum Trader - Rod M 16:36:37 10/22/13 (0)
- RE: Attn: The Bored. I Receive A System Error Message In Audio Asylum Trader - Michael Samra 15:51:20 10/22/13 (0)