I thought you might want to know that I just got a message from internet explorer, (from Microsoft), that for some reason, it thought that Audio Asylum was possibly a malicious website and that I should not visit it.
(This happened while I was already on the website, reading through some posts on the vinyl asylum.)
Anyway, it gave me the choice to either:
A. Go to my home page
B. Continue on to Audio Asylum
When I pressed B, it asked me:
A. I am a user who thinks this website is fine.
B. I am the webmaster for this particular site, and it is fine.
(Weird, huh?!)
Just thought you might want to know about this.
PS Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this issue, my operating system, or any virus protection I am using. (Although, it did not seem to be coming from either my spy ware or virus protection software, but from Microsoft itself.)
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Topic - Hey Rod! - Raiderman 21:17:07 04/25/10 (4)
- Why don't you use a decent browser? nt - keith_d 13:32:49 04/26/10 (0)
- Just outta curiosity - FenderLover 23:03:28 04/25/10 (0)
- Should have pressed B B and taken over! HAH pirates...and where is ROD? - Elizabeth 22:47:07 04/25/10 (1)
- Rod has been kidnapped and is being held prisoner at Tea Party HQ - dave c 05:13:45 04/27/10 (0)