I've changed e-mail addresses, now can't figure out how to re-register w/new address. Want my moniker- Bagsgroov- to remain the same. When I go to log in to make the change it tells me my password is incorrect (I had thought my password was the same as the moniker-Bagsgroove...)Can't get log in to send me my password because of e-mail change...
What do I do?
Former e-mail: ThEdRyan@msn.com
New e-mail: thedryan@cablenet-va.com
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Topic - Re: E-Mail - Don't Know Who I Am... 11:13:08 06/29/02 (5)
- Re: E-Mail - Rod M 13:52:05 06/29/02 (4)
- Re: E-Mail - Bagsgroove(really!) 15:20:21 06/29/02 (3)
- Re: E-Mail - Rod M 18:11:52 06/29/02 (2)
- Re: 24065 nt - Bags 18:59:46 06/29/02 (1)
- Test nt - Bagsgroove 08:15:19 06/30/02 (0)