Some years ago I sent a record to Bagsgroove, a mint copy of the orginal mono Kind of Blue, that he thought he would never obtain. In return he wanted to pay me for the record., I said no, just donate something to the asylum. A week or two later I received a yo yo in the mail,a surprise since I never learned to use one. I do miss Bags on the Vinyl asylum.
Today I decided to donate on my own, should have been doing this before. That is when I noticed that the asylum is located in Vista Ca. Now my story begins.
I graduated from the old high school in 1966. As a kid growing up in Vista music was easy to get. Everyone in the 50s loved music. Elementary schools in San Diego county had childrens concerts available. The San Diego Symphony played in Oceanside once a year and the schools for a couple of dollars each would sponsor students. Not many went even though you got out of class. Classical music was not the in thing then either. You can't believe though how much I enjoyed those concerts.
Later in high school when rock became a passion, bands were coming out of the woodwork. Saturday night at the Armory they had the battle of the bands,drummers Billy Martinez and Bobby San Miguel with their groups and many others, played music everyone enjoyed. I helped a neighbor Tom Banning, the juvenile officer, who as an Optimist sponsored a concert by picking a group to play for one night. The prices went from 5000 dollars for the Rightous Brothers to 500 dollars for one hour for others. I picked The Drifters and The Rockin Rebels. What an experience.
After high school and collage we would go to little bars and restaurants in San Diego county as they all had a live band playing. From the Spudnut (donut shop and bar believe it or not) in Vista to Wallbangers, Leadbetters, Das Schift, Acapulco, Peanuts and so many others, we were awash in music that can't be found today.
As an old f**t with bad ears and bad attitude the asylum has been a place to come back to over and over again as place of musical refuge.
Also as an aside I would like to acknowledge George McFarland of El Cajon who after meeting me for one night gave me a Denon 1200 TT w/Dyna 10X3 and a lot of Sterophile magazines that started me on my journey back to the music I loved. Between those two I began to understand what it was I wanted to hear. The last 10 years have been wonderful.
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Topic - Just donated..... - goblin141 16:43:13 02/15/09 (1)
- RE: Just donated..... - goblin141 16:48:07 02/15/09 (0)