I've seen this suggestion on other boards,but not here.I really do make an effort to get my spelling right.I feel you get a better response that way.I try to throw in some puncuation here and there.I'm a gubmint werker with a 9nth graid edumakashun. Sometimes I have to go get a dictionary (I'm lazy too).
Ware am duh ting?Tanx,
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Topic - Spell Checker? - ak645 18:22:04 03/11/02 (5)
- Re: Spell Checker? - Gene W 14:34:30 03/18/02 (0)
- Re: Spell Checker? - Rod M 18:28:37 03/11/02 (3)
- Re: Spell Checker? - ak645 18:49:32 03/11/02 (2)
- I use google for a one shot spell checker :) - Ted Smith 18:53:49 03/11/02 (1)
- am sure he was refering to a discusion page but like Merium Webster's dictionary too - Mart 16:12:20 03/16/02 (0)