Shady Lane

RE: That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles

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That's just one of the risks you take by selling on Ebay. You are most likely SOL.

Selling there gives you much bigger exposure and (usually) a far higher selling price than you can dream of on any other venue (including right here on AA).

But with those perks comes risk. You are basically at the mercy of the ethics of said buyer and if he decides to pull that, your odds of successfully fighting it are pretty low. Not impossible. But definitely a very steep uphill battle. Ebay is all about making sure the BUYERS are happy, not the sellers. They have the sellers by the short hairs and they know it. Many, many people are desperate and/or greedy enough to acquiesce to pretty much any terms of service Ebay can conjure up, regardless of how fair, ethical, or even legal.

Think playing slot machines. You can pay the penny slots (selling anywhere but Ebay). Your exposure and risk level is low but so is the maximum reward potential. Or you can play the $5 slots. The potential windfall is exponentially higher but then so is the amount of risk you have to take.

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