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Gday I have a problem with a trans winder. I ordered a pair of trans from Germany. From a guy that I believe has a good reputation as a trusted and winder of top trans. When I ordered them I said I am in no hurry as I hadn't the amp yet anyway. So after then I paypalled 1200 I think including shipping for the trans. I didn't hear from him for 6 months so I emailed him but he didn't reply. I started to wonder if I had been riped off because the paypal email was a Hotmail and not the same as the website. Anyway I sent a email to the website email saying to at least confirm that is was actually him that received my money and emails. Then he answered and said yes its me the trans are set to go out in April. Anyway one more email a few weeks after that date with one reply saying there still coming.And not to worried. Iam though 1200$ worried.
I don't know want to think? Is this guy going to keep my money or does he do this to everyone. I can wait a long time if I new I would get them for sure one day but I am losing hope. I feel like he is already not happy with me pestering him. So I don't see the point of harassing him as he is not likely to wind me a good pair of trans after that anyway.
To be honest I payed all upfront because it was one of those rare times when I have so much in my bank. It took a lot to make up I am just sick to think I have been ripped off again. I have searched the internet. Not one mention of him ever not delivering to anyone. Has anyone waited a very long time for trans before from him. I don't really want to say his name but I am sure anyone who knows him knows probably who I am talking about. And that's bad enough. I will feel like a proper dick if the trans show up next week. After like so long I am a bit desperate though. I could use them reassurance from a third party right now. If you could message me please.
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