Shady Lane

RE: Pssssst: Hey, want some cheap Nordost Odin?

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Aren't most of the high-priced cables are made in China anyways? Certainly the wire, if not the entire construction. Why would anyone in China bother actually counterfeiting these cables when it's far more effective to tap off the real factory line, cutting out all those pricey middlemen & cutting into their outrageous markups. Of course, nothing guarantees we're not talking about substandard/reject or badly "corner-cut" production here, even if off the "genuine" line.

The genuine product's packaging/boxing, however, is usually "proudly" made in the USA, or whatever country of origin the parent company would like you to believe. It's just not worth the trouble to counterfeit those believably, which is why they're absent. They're a de-facto "certificate of non counterfeit/non-grey-market-ness/authenticity".

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