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In Reply to: RE: Warning about Kyle of Reference Audio Mods posted by IZA on August 10, 2011 at 15:08:04
Please explain here just how you expect to satisfy all the issues I described in the first post. Yes, our transaction began in 2005, but the last time you were out her to install the voltage regs and Suoerclock there were and still are the unresolved issues as of 2008. I gave up listening to on your continual excuses after 3 years, so I will list them again here.
Here is a list of unresolved issues from day one:
1. Custom Marantz 8260 universal CD/DVD transport W/Cocobola Chassis that from the 1st day didn't play anything more than a few select Cd's in redbook and within the first year stopped playing altogether.
2. Silver Rock TVC preamp in a Custom Cocobola Chassis that despite my repeated requests STILL only has ONE input.
3. Carver ZR-1600 D Class Amp that you quickly discontinued as unreliable but refused to take back. Oh yes, he matched this 600 watt pro audio amp with his 98db efficient 60 watt $10,600 bent wood horn speakers that blew the tweeters in the first 2 months of use. I couldn't stand the high frequency hiss that remained and could be heard over the music, I never was able to use and I retired never used again. Later I found two HUGE Oil In Paper capacitors (a $300 charge for these) that were NOT even hooked up & super glued inside, his excuse was that he tried to cure the lack luster bass response.
4. Kyle delivered his custom $5,500 power filter system that amounted to a series of coils, capacitors and a huge transformer that sat loosely on two pieces of 2x6 boards he found behind his father's garage. His promises to install in a covered hard wood box for my protection left unfinished and proved to be a fire hazard and with open wiring had to be removed so my dogs didn't electrocute themselves. Kyle are these products UL approved???
Please continue, please explain her and now just how you intend to resolve all of these issues you left me with so long ago and now ready to resolve to my satisfaction. Do I understand you correctly?
You should also understand that I no longer trust you to satisfy me on any of these and under the circumstances I should send them back to you for a refund so they are not held hostage for me to start the trudge out to your parents house again, again and again. Been there done that own the T-shirt. LOL!
In short, You have been nothing but difficult for years to deal with, just how do you purpose to Handel this with me now?? Will I actually see you out here to resolve? After all I do have a scope, and all the testing gear you would ever need. Soldering station just like the one I bought you, my own muti-meter, tables and chairs and I will even buy lunch and dinner if necessary.
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