Shady Lane


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My my. What an interesting read.

JB has been around since back in the usenet days. Does anyone remember Sunshine Stereo in FL? Steve Zipser. JB and Steve used to go at it like a cat and dog locked in a closet. Some of the best reading ever in the alt.stereo newsgroups.

I love all you self-righteous audiophiles chiming in. I've sold a boatload of used equipment over the years, quite a bit at Audiogon. Just for credibility, my Agon username is "beemer". I'm not in Malaysia, I'm in Massachusetts.

I have found that the higher priced the item, the more the audiophile squeeks when it's time to pay. Expensive amps buyer insist on shipping cross-country ground freight. Sorry boys, that's f*ckin ridiculous.

$6000 used amp, skinflint 'phile cries about an additional $75 for safer, faster 2nd day shipping.

Removed serial #'s on MSS product? This doesn't surprise me a bit. The so called "legitimate" dealer back doored his item to Mr. Boey. As simple as that. Don't tell me it doesn't happen, I'll laugh louder. For all we know, the "legitimate" audio store owner has lined up with the rest of you skinflints to kick MSS to the curb. Well hello got the price you wanted, now you cry about it. There is no honor even amongst "legitimate" dealers. That S/N tag was removed so the authorized dealer wouldn't lose his ability to buy from said manufacturer. You, the bargain buyer wanted a price and got one. Then you had trouble. Appears to me MSS/JB/whatever offered to warrantee the item on their own.

So then, now we have 3 "wrongs"

1st: Legitimate dealer can't sell item thus "backdoors" it to MSS at a price, with S/N removed.

2nd: Skinflint wants a deal and gets one. Along with the deal may come less support. You want it all? Pay retail next time, but don't count on that being the be-all-end-all either. I can tell you about some friends and new purchases from both Plinius and a well-known speaker manufacturer. Both distributors hid their heads in the sand when these required repair under warrantee and tried to take advantage of my not-so-internet-savvy friend. I applied proper squeek to the wheel in a few public forums and it was truly AMAZING how fast the distributor's changed their tune and fixed my friend's legitimate "thru authorized dealer" purchases.

Now on to Mr. Boey........

Years ago I sold a Martin Logan center channel speaker to Mr. Boey. One of the cleanest, easiest transactions ever.

A few years back I bought a pair of used Levinson 33 amplifiers from Mr. Boey. Once again, a clean and painless transaction.

Sure....JB's personal life may be a trainwreck. I'm sure all you guys tried marijauna however none of you "inhaled" any.

LOL Sanctimonious. I see the humour in JB's alter persona.

Half or more of you skinflints believe your pants will just fly on without human intervention.


otari :-)

My mother-in-law, after seeing the Levinson 33H amps in my listening room: "Those are the nicest electric room heaters I've ever seen".

Edits: 11/14/09

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