Shady Lane

RE: Key details

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the money order was from my Bank, not the post office. I have the emails. It went from paying off right away from selling other equipment to now starting to pay down. It's been almost 2 mos and no $. I had considered him a friend and I had only made the purchase to help him out. Guess I was the sucker. Since I was tired of waiting, I indicated I wanted the preamp back and he has told me he is not prepared to do that. He made an error in selling it and he was not going to sell. He then made me an offer a couple of days ago and offered something 1/2 the value as payment in full.

I will give him a few days and then start legal action. Hate doing that. Will report to the authorities. It burns me since I was doing him a favour. I just did not realize how much a favour.

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