Shady Lane

Scumbag alert: Robert Hutton the thief selling under new ID on Audiogon

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To anyone and everyone who might think of buying anything from this tosspot: don't. He's selling on audiogon again, under the name "Theprognosticator". There's some BS line in there about him being 'New to audiogon, bringing my previous tube business online, watch for more listings soon'. That, of course, is a total load of crap. I, and many others, have been scammed by this loser. Don't be among those who have been taken.

Here's his REAL info for those who might want to avoid him. (or those who want to chase him down and kick his ass like he so justly deserves)

Robert Hutton, aka Probot57 (Ebay), Rhutton (Audiogon), Theprognosticator (Audiogon), and other aliases out there as well.

Apparently he's some sort of 'Executive Vice-President, Pollara Strategic Insights' - pretty high-level title for a thief and scammer (not to mention a probably schizophrenic/bipolar loose cannon)

Located in:
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Office: 416 921 2233 x2236
Cell: 416 828 7301

I've listed his home address and number in other messages here in the past, I think it's 6 Davean drive, Ottawa or something like that.

Anyway, avoid this imbecile like the plague!


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