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Re: PayPal fraud & Sellers

As a seller, I have had 'not as described' filed against me when item was damaged by the carrier. No big deal as the item was insured.
Unfortunately, the seller freaked out and they called me a cheat plus no way his NY UPS buds were responsible for the damage. UPS quickly agreed I did not pack correctly with the buyers statement. I had to threaten suit against UPS usimg my Prepaid Legal services I retain & remind UPS the item met UPS packing stabdards 1A thanks to that east coast jerk. Finally, UPS paid & the buyer went to the ePay blocked bidders list. PayPal could care less.

As for your deal, I would have stated no remote if it was not available. Many functions on the remote does not have access on the gear itself.

Edits: 60/63/01

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  • Re: PayPal fraud & Sellers - Jimmy 20:24:09 05/16/05 (0)

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