Also sells on Audio circle under user name vintage9594 purchased a preamp off me thru Audiogon and left positive feedback. noticed he placed an ad on Audiogon and Audio Circle for the unit I sold him stating selling because he had the chance to purchase a Macintosh Integrated he always wanted locally. The scumbag text me stating the unit was damaged. I text him back and told him I saw he placed an ad on Audiogon and Audio Circle stating he was selling it because he had a chance to purchase a Mac locally and he then immediately cancelled the ads. Then the scumbag files a complaint with Paypal stating I sold him a damaged unit. I sent Paypals Resolution center copies of the positive feedback he had left me and also printed copy a the ad he placed on Audio Circle and told them I had contacted Audiogon for a copy of the ad he had placed on there site. paypal 48 hours later decides in his favor freezes my money and tells the scumbag to ship the unit back to me and they will refund his money back. needless to say once he gets his money back I will cancel my paypal account.
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Topic - Beware of Audiogon user cfarrow - DTF 01:42:23 04/10/15 (7)
- RE: Beware of Audiogon user cfarrow - vintage9594 16:13:28 07/14/16 (1)
- RE: Beware of Audiogon user cfarrow - 16:07:38 10/29/18 (0)
- So where re we suppsed to shop online for good used stuff? - MannyE 08:22:28 08/18/15 (0)
- RE: Beware of Audiogon user cfarrow - Caucasian Blackplate 11:20:34 06/02/15 (0)
- RE: Beware of Audiogon user cfarrow - coli 08:07:48 05/13/15 (0)
- RE: Beware of Audiogon user cfarrow - TimeConstant 05:57:24 05/04/15 (1)
- RE: Beware of Audiogon user cfarrow - TimeConstant 10:51:55 12/30/15 (0)