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Re: Beware - EscrowUnlimited

From: Cathy
Date: May 10, 2005 1:49:18 PM PDT
To: jd@jondavisphoto.com
Subject: 6395087539 - Sony Artisan Color Reference System
Reply-To: Cathy

Hello eBay,

Hi there!

The Sony Artisan Color Reference System

It is brand new and will be delivered in it's original box. I
will give you
the receipt as well. It will have the warranty of 1 year.It comes with
manual (in English). I have bought it at a govermantal auction for a
low price and I want to make some profit. If this work I intend to
more products for further sale

I have a contract with http://www.Escrowcsi.com/ a cyber escrow
company..( fees allready covered)

These is my assurance.
The item is brand new with 1 full year warranty.
You will have 30 days to test it and if anything is wrong you can get
your money back.
Also I'm looking for a long business relation and all what I sell is
brand new and unused.

The buy it now price is 750 USD , and if you agree, please send me your
full name and adress in order for me to start the transation and
shipping.You will send the payment to escrow company, they will tell
me to send you the package and I will send it in your direction via
UPS2day - it will reach your destiantion in 2-3 business days.
The Escrow fees and shipping cost are on me.

Thank you and i will wait your reply.

Best regards,
Cathy mailto:lavietes@hakmails.com

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  • Re: Beware - EscrowUnlimited - RE B. Ware 14:56:58 05/11/05 (0)

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