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Re: I've run across this scam. I think it works like this:

I doubt it... They can't do that "long distance" - they will need passwords, logins, often a special key table to approve transactions and/or biometrics devices, smart cards etc. In person - too much risk, they have to know and be able to fake a signature and provide a "valid" ID, and what if they know you personally in this bank and then someone shows up and poses as you? They will simply call the cops...

Besides, wire transfer is a standard procedure in business, especially international. I haven't heard of anybody who lost his money because someone found out his bank account info. Much more dangerous is a spyware\keyloggers. THIS way they can find out your bank access info and be able to transfer money from your account IF your bank is stupid enough to rely solely on password and login - but in this case, don't wait - change the bank to something normal. ;)

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