In Reply to: RE: Is this the same 'Revelation Audio Labs' that has posted by Awe-d-o-file on September 30, 2008 at 23:47:53:
Wow; what nonsensical reaction.
You have data that suggests that "religious" people, or Christians, are less honest in business transactions? That I would like to see!
For one thing, since Christianity teaches that there's a God that's watching everything you do, and that you'll be held accountable for such things, as opposed to atheist's worldview which allows him to basically get away with it all, what sort of sense would it make if those with Christian leanings were _more_ likely to be shady?
It turns out - get this! - that those folks who find themselves incarcerated for fraud, theft, and other crimes have far _lower_ belief in God and religious practice, statistically. Is that just batty, or what?!
(I don't, BTW, share Mr. Revelation's particular type of Christianity - at all - but I just can't let nonsensical crap like this sail by with no comment. Hope you understand. :))
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Follow Ups
- RE: Is this the same 'Revelation Audio Labs' that has - Paul Folbrecht 11:16:33 10/07/08 (3)
- It is wrong to judge people by their belief or non-belief... - richardz 03:11:08 10/09/08 (2)
- The point being made-which both you and the previous poster - powermatic 16:01:34 10/10/08 (1)
- Agreed - sorry nt - richardz 05:34:49 10/12/08 (0)