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In Reply to: RE: What a shame... posted by Len_ on June 25, 2008 at 13:52:39:
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Follow Ups Full Thread Please enable JavaScript to allow Full Thread view. Topic - Update on scumbag Robert Hutton - reusing his ebay ID rhandmj now - Ed Sawyer 06:19:12 06/20/08 (10) What a shame... - sherod 13:28:19 06/22/08 (2) RE: What a shame... - Len_ 13:52:39 06/25/08 (1) bipolar. nt - Duilawyer 11:51:50 06/28/08 (0) What's his Audiogon ID? - Jay Buridan 08:24:12 06/21/08 (6) RE: What's his Audiogon ID? - Len_ 13:53:57 06/25/08 (0) RE: What's his Audiogon ID? - sherod 13:43:13 06/22/08 (4) RE: What's his Audiogon ID? - Ed Sawyer 11:26:11 06/23/08 (3) RE: What's his Audiogon ID? - Len_ 13:53:33 06/25/08 (2) RE: What's his Audiogon ID? - Ed Sawyer 14:27:57 06/25/08 (1) Tell us how you really feel about this guy, Ed(LOL)--nt - sherod 20:34:34 06/25/08 (0) Follow Ups bipolar. nt - Duilawyer 11:51:50 06/28/08 (0)