i just received an email from something that looks a lot like ebay, but it was sent to an email that is not registered with my ebay account, and it is a form asking for my ebay sign in, password, paypal info and my cc info. message said if i didnt' submit that my account could be deleted.i thinking this is a big pile of b**shi*, is there an email address i can send this to ebay to check out? is it better that i forward this to them, or just delete it.
everything i have ever received from ebay is addressed to my account name.
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Topic - fraudulent ebay looking message - msunkenberg@hotmail.com 05:42:37 06/28/05 (6)
- Re: fraudulent ebay looking message - sam9 11:24:46 07/02/05 (0)
- Remember a simple thing - tapakah2001 15:44:08 06/28/05 (0)
- What Reuben said . . . NOW!!!! -nt- - Auricle 09:09:57 06/28/05 (0)
- Please forward message to spoof@ebay.com n/t - reuben 06:15:52 06/28/05 (2)
- Re: Please forward message to spoof@ebay.com n/t - x7matrex 23:30:04 08/25/05 (1)
- Re: Please forward message to spoof@ebay.com n/t - asdsd 17:57:18 11/21/05 (0)