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Just got a scammer email from my ad here!

Just got this email from a person responding to my ad here. I KNOW it's a scam; but should I play him? Or just not respond???


Audio Asylum Classifed Inquiry from John:

We are interested in buying your above mentioned Sherbourn 7/2100a nib at
advertised rate of $1,950. Sherbourn 7/2100a nib will be picked up from
your location for onward shipping to London. Cost and modalities of
shipping to be born by us.

Payment for the purchase is by check through a debtor in US. The debtor
owes us higher than our purchase. He will therefore be sending you a check
for $7,000 to cover the cost of our order, as well as the Shipping costs.

On receipt of the check, you will cash and deduct the cost of our order
.The balance you will send as we would instruct you to the Agency that will
ship the Sherbourn 7/2100a nib to us. If this arrangement suites you fine,
please send us your address where to send the check, as well as the name to
be on it. Also send us your phone number for easy communication.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.

Best Regards

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Topic - Just got a scammer email from my ad here! - kincade 14:33:27 11/03/04 (3)

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