Home Shady Lane

Retailers, Manufacturers, ePay, AudiogoN, Paypal or whatever. Buying and selling advice.

same old....

I had 4 of these clowns contact me after posting a sale here.
Got one to send me the check via FedEx, which from Lagos, Nigeria (via tracking) costs $62, which he/she paid in cash. I told them my religion forbids me to accept that check due it's color(!?!) and they've said they'll send another. We'll see, maybe I can funnel another $62 out of them. Let you know if it works.

Bottom line, of course, is if it smells fishy, it probably is.
The unfortunate consequence of this crap is the extreme paranoia it left me with when dealing with a legit buyer in Canada (dealing with that was still a pain, NAFTA notwithstanding!)

Dr Dave

Edits: 09/07/20 09/07/20 09/07/20 09/08/20 09/08/20 09/08/20 09/08/20 09/08/20

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  • same old.... - suburbanDK 06:34:01 10/19/04 (0)

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