I posted an amplifier on the local craigslist.com site. Here is a response:
"please i'm interested in the immediate purchase of your item.i'm a
reseller and would like to take this opportunity of buying your
moderately priced item for resell at the domestic trade fair commencing on
monday at our store location.so i'll be making payment thru money order at
bidpay.com.but i'll like to ask whether it will bepossible for me to make a
pickup ofthe item from your place with our international fedex account once
the payment as been approved and you've been sent the confirmation
notification from bidpay.this is necessary so as to meet up with the commencement
date ofthe fair.and picking the item up with our fedex account will make the shippment faster and cheaper for us.so if all that have said is
understood and agreed upon please get back to me with your name and address the
paymentis to be issued.thanks and for more information about bidpay, log onto
http://www.bidpay.com h! ope to hear from you as soon as possible"Form letter if I ever saw one.
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Topic - variation of Nigerian scam? - KCK 17:14:57 03/18/05 (2)
- have you seen the Tsunami scam? - steven oda 18:13:12 03/18/05 (1)