In Reply to: REALJAZZCAT Victims' List posted by Concerned Citizens on October 8, 2004 at 12:27:32:
I have been hearing about the Infamous RealJazzCat for quite a while now. I have NOT been scammed, but I do have some concern about this. What I'd like to know is, if you are trying to help those in need, do you not identify yourself? Also, should not you have sent this information to the aforementioned privately? They are the ones most likely to want to contact the authorities.If your intention is to alert people as to the practises of RealJazzCat, that has been covered here ad naseum, and could have been done without mentioning people who's names that have probably not given you permission to use. I for one, would appreciate getting a private email, or letting me know how to contact you in private, if you think I might have been scammed.
As is now, it seems that this is possibly a thinly disguised vendetta, which I hope it is not.
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Follow Ups
- Re: REALJAZZCAT Victims' List, WHY? - tesla 13:05:44 10/08/04 (0)